Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
His movies are part of the artistic movement which attempts to render reality in films. Most of them were shot in Africa : Mauritania, Sudan, Congo. His form of movie-making emerges from an encounter, sometimes a confrontation, with reality. It aims at (re)establishing ties between men and the world, between single stories and universal matters. His artistic, philosophical and poetic documentaries question the world and its stakes, existence here and elsewhere.
After studying journalism and communication, as well as anthropology and African civilization, Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd taught at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of Brussels until 2003.
From 2004 to 2008, he is in charge of classes and project management at the Media Center in Dakar, where he developed, in cooperation with the French community of Belgium, the Walloon region and Senegal, a yearly workshop for documentary writing and directing, intended for young Senegalese directors.
From 1998 to 2008, he co-directs the biennial Festival of Documentary Films of the French community of Belgium: Filmer a tout prix (To Film at all costs).
From 2008 to 2011, he is a teacher at IHECS (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Communication Sociale – Institute of High Studies in Social Communication) in Brussels.
From 2011 to 2014, he contributes as a programmer to the festival Les Etats Généraux du documentaire de Lussas (France).
Since 2014, he conducts Directing seminars at the Haute Ecole d’art et de Design (HEAD) in Genève.
2013 : Les tourmentes (For The Lost), 80'
2011 : Territoire perdu (Lost Land), 75’
2009 : Les dormants (The Dormants), 65’
2006 : Le cercle des noyé (Drowned In Oblivion), 75’
2004 : Closed District, 55’
2002 : Racines lointaines (Far Away Roots), 75’
2000 : Nemadis, des années sans nouvelles (Nemadis, The years Without News), 52’ (co-directed with Benoît Mariage)
1998 : Sida d'ici et de là-bas, 55’
1994 : Nemadis, 40’ (co-directed with Benoît Mariage)