Bleu cerise
Belgium, 2012, 52 minutes
On the threshold of their adult lives, just about to do the big step, Gael and Kevin decide to go away, to run off, to initiate a story that only belongs to them.
Gael just made his main dream come true: to join the French Army. As for Kevin, he’s still doubtful, undecided.
During several months I met them in this valley, far away from the Alps where their youth took place.
- Screenplay: Manon Coubia
- Photography: Manon Coubia
- Sound: Aline Huber et Origan Cannella
- Image editing: Muriel Alliot
- Sound editing: Aline Huber
- Mixing: Malika El Barkani
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital, DVD, Blu-Ray
- Production: Voa asbl
- Coproduction: CBA
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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