Miguel Morales Cabral

Miguel Moraes Cabral was born in 1984. He graduated from Lisbon’s School of Cinema in 2008. He also studied in Paris, both at the University of Nanterre and at the École Supérieure Louis-Lumière in the fra- mework of an exchange program.
He is a sound designer specialized in recording and post-production and has worked with several film directors in Portugal. Since 2010 he also works for the Lisbon’s Independent Film Festival (Indie- lisboa) as a programmer for short-films. He is presently writting the script for a fiction film that takes place in Nor- thern Portugal. Os caminhos de Jorge («Jorge’s paths») is his first documentary.

2011 - Les chemins de Jorge
2010 - Equilibrio Justo
2009 - Comptes de Nuit


  • Jorge’s Paths - (read more)
  • Highlighted Movies

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