Coups de foudre
Belgium, 2014, Format diffusion : 1.33 (SD), 52 minutes
Five women tell their « Love story ». Each of them lived a love at first sight experience, a wonderful meeting with the man who will become their torturer afterward. The influence that settles down slowly but firmly; then the violence, trying to protect one’s children and run away. Slowly trying to reconstruct, to find the self-respect and to put oneself under cover. This film tells us the chronology of a love-at-first-sight which leads to the drama through five poignant stories.
- Screenplay: Christophe Reyners
- Photography: Thierry Strickaert
- Sound: Thierry Strickaert & Christophe Reyners
- Image editing: Laurence Vaes
- Mixing: Benoît De Clerck
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Digital
- Production: WIP
- Coproduction: Dérives
Festival promotion:
WIP : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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