Tourmentes (les)
For the lost
Belgium, 2013, 16 mm, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 77 minutes
The storm is a snow tempest which disorients and confuses. It is also the name given to a melancholy provoked by the harshness and length of winter.
Where the storm blows, men erected belfries to call back the lost. And the shepherds, subject to the will of their seasonal migrations, used their flocks to invoke the lost or forgotten souls.
Guided by the sheepbells of a flock and by the evocations of the lost, this film is a voyage through storms; those of the mountains and winter, those of bodies and souls, those which remind us that which nature has not obtained from our reason, it obtains from our madness.
- Screenplay: Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
- Photography: Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
- Sound: Jean-Luc Fichefet
- Image editing: Philippe Boucq
- Mixing: Amélie Canini
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Digital
- Production: Zeugma Films, Cobra Films
- Coproduction: CBA en association avec ARTE
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Festival selections:
Arkipel Intl Documentary & Experimental Film Festival, Jakarta (Indonésie) 08/15
International Festival Signes de Nuit – Saarbrücken (Allemagne) 06/15
International Festival Signes de Nuit – Lisbon (Portugal) 06/15
DOK. Fest, Munich (Allemagne) 05/15
Trento Film festival (Italie) 04/15
Festival International Signes de Nuit – Bangkok (Thaïlande) 02/15
DOCpoint Film Festival, Helsinki (Finlande) 01/15
Cinéma Vérité Iran Intl Documentary Festival (Iran)11/14
RIDM, Montréal (Canada) 11/14
CPH:DOX*, Copenhagen (Denmark) 11/14
FilmMaker Festival Milan (Italie) 11/14
Festival dei Popoli, Florence (Italie) 11/14
Les Ecrans Documentaire d’Arcueil (France) 11/14
Festival film éthnographique de Paris/Festival Jean Rouch (France) 11/14
Cinemed Montpellier (France) 10/14
Taiwan International Documentary Festival – TIDF (Taiwan) 10/14
Filmfest de Hambourg (Allemagne) 10/14
Festival International de Documental de Bogota-MIDBO (Colombie) 10/14
L’Âge d’Or, Bruxelles (Belgique)10/14
Rencontres Cinématographiques de Cerbère (France) 10/14
Journées du Cinéma européen (Tunisie) 09/14
Lussas, expérience du regard (France) 08/14
Medfilm Festival, Rome (Italie) 07/4
Festival de Laignes (France) 07/14
Festival Lasalle (France) 06/14
Rencontres de Saint-Alban (France) 06/14
Visions du Réel, Nyon, compétition (Suisse) 04/14 -
Visions du Réel, Nyon, compétition (Suisse) 04/14 - Mention Spéciale
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