MA'OHI NUI, au coeur de l'océan mon pays
MA'OHI NUI, in the heart of the ocean my country lies
Belgium, 2017, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 112 minutes
Tahiti, French Polynesia. Between the runway of the International airport and a small mound of earth lies a district called the Flamboyant. Over there, one says "district" as not to say "shantytown". French colonial history and thirty years of nuclear tests have filled these districts with an alienated and tired people. Like the radioactivity that cannot be felt or seen, but persists for hundreds of thousands of years, the contamination of minds has slowly and permanently settled. Today the Ma'ohi people are a subordinate people who have forgotten their language, ignored their history and have lost their connection to their land and their relationship to the world. Yet within this neighbourhood of coloured sheds, something survives, something tenuous, hidden, almost invisible, which resists erasure.
By confronting the Ma'ohi spirit with its nuclear history and its fractured existence, the film shows the face of contemporary colonisation and the vital impetus of a people trying not to forget themselves and who, silently, are seeking the path of independence.
- Screenplay: Annick Ghijzelings
- Photography: Caroline Guimbal et Annick Ghijzelings
- Sound: Jean-Jacques Quinet. Musique Herman Martin
- Image editing: Annick Ghijzelings
- Sound editing: Jean-Jacques Quinet et Annick Ghijzelings
- Mixing: Jean-Jacques Quinet. Etalonnage : Miléna Trivier
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: DCP, Digital
- Production: Iota production
- Coproduction: CBA. Avec l'aide de Media développement / Fédération wallonie-Bruxelles / Tax Shelter kasa Kafka.
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