Lettre d'un cinéaste à sa fille
Letter from a filmmaker to his daughter
Belgium, 2000, 16 mm, Format diffusion : 1.67 (Super 16), 50 minutes
« Letter from a filmmaker to his daughter » is a playful, free and personal film in the form of a letter, a film interwoven with a thousand stories knit together with differing textures, a book of images where a filmmaker shows the images and the stories he wants to share.
- Screenplay: Eric Pauwels
- Photography: Eric Pauwels
- Sound: Rémon Fromont & Eric Pauwels
- Image editing: Richard Castro
- Sound editing: Rudi Maerten
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital, DVD
- Production: ULRIKE
- Coproduction: CBA, RTBF Carré Noir . Avec l'aide du Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Image gallery