L'immense retour (Romance)
The Fullness of Time (Romance)
Belgium France, 2016, 16 mm, Format diffusion : 1.85 (cinéma), 14 minutes
Seated on the edge of the gaping rift, she waited so long, too long for the mountain to give back her lover, prisoner of the ice.
- Screenplay: Manon Coubia
- Photography: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Sound: Aline Huber
- Image editing: Manon Coubia
- Sound editing: Aline Huber
- Mixing: Olivier Guillaume
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: EN, NL, ES
- Available formats: DCP, Digital
- With: Malika el Barkani, Annie Alonso, Danièle Gaillard, Georges Mallaury
- Production: VOA films
- Coproduction: CBA, Les Ruines de Carthage (Aurelien Py)
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Festival selections:
RISC-Rencontres Internationales Sciences & Cinémas, Marseille (France) 11/16
FIDOCS-Festival Internacional de Documentales de Santiago (Chili) 11/16
Cineforum, Warsaw (Pologne) 11/16
Dok Leipzig (Allemagne) 10/16
Film Fest Gent (Belgique) 14-16/10/16 - EFA Short Film Weekend
Locarno Film Festival (Suisse) 08/16 -
FIDOCS-Festival Internacional de Documentales de Santiago (Chili) 11/16 - Mention Spéciale
Pardino d’oro – Prix SRG SSR Festival del Locarno 2016
Prix Pianifica : Nomination for the EFA-European Cinema Prize
Image gallery