Eric D'Agostino
Belgian, Eric D'Agostino was born in Boussu (Belgium) on April 29, 1965. He graduated from IAD, in Scriptwriting section, and dedicate itself now to fiction writing. He directed LA NEF DES FOUS (2015), a documentary feature, that was internationally broadcasted, receiving many awards. He also participated in many films related to exclusion thematics (excision, forced marriage, confinement) in Europe and Africa. Former journalist at RTBF (« Tout ça ne nous rendra pas le Congo », « Question à la Une ») and sound designer, Eric gathered several "SACD" awards for its audiovisual creations.
2015 : La Nef des Fous, doc, 90'
2008 : Secret de Femmes, Paroles d’Hommes, doc, 50'
2008 : L’Appel de Diégoune, doc, 45'
2009 : Fuuta, le temps est venu d’en parler, doc, 50'
2007 : Non à l’excision, clip
2004-2006 : C'est la Vie, doc, 10x16'2015 : La Nef des Fous, doc, 90'