Au-delà des mots, le cinéma de Joachim Lafosse
Beyond Words, the cinema of Joachim Lafosse
Belgium, HDV, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 62 minutes
Au-delà des mots, le cinema de Joachim Lafosse, the sixth documentary in the Cinéastes d'aujourd'hui collection, shares the cinematographic odyssey of a filmmaker who is just 40 years of age. In around sixty minutes, Luc Jabon lets us enter the universe of the man who was his scriptwriting pupil at the famous IAD cinema school. When it comes down to it he’s nothing more than a man who likes to tell stories about other human beings. Because what Joachim is constantly looking to penetrate, is the human being, with his weaknesses, his violence, his fragility, but also his desire to gather together and bring peace.
In a Brussels café, the actors Catherine Salée and Kris Cuppens look back on this journey. Matthieu Reynaert and François Pirot share their experiences of scripting with Joachim; and Sylvie Pialat, Olivier and Jacques-Henri Bronckart talk about the difficulties but also the joy they experience from their work as producers - a direct result of the prolific filmmaker’s determination and constant desire to create.
Immersing yourself in Joachim Lafosse’s cinema (7 fiction films in 15 years), seeing him at work as he films and edits, is also about being confronted with the limits that the evolving filmmaker is constantly confronted with.
- Screenplay: Luc Jabon
- Photography: Joachim Philippe et Géraud Vandendriessche
- Sound: Bruno Schweisguth
- Image editing: France Duez
- Sound editing: Gervaise Demeure
- Mixing: Philippe Charbonnel
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: DCP, Blu-Ray
- Production: Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Eric van Zuylen) et Ryva Production
- Coproduction: Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Ryva Production – RTBF Secteur Documentaire – Ciné + – Loterie nationale – TV5 Monde. Avec le soutien de Madame Alda Greoli, Vice-présidente et Ministre de la Culture et de l’Enfance de la Fédération Wall
Festival promotion:
Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et Ryva Production
Image gallery