L'âge de raison, le cinéma des frères Dardenne
The age of reason, the Dardenne brother's cinema
Belgium, 2014, HDV, Format diffusion : 1.85 (cinéma), 61 minutes
Starting from the inside of their films, 4th number today Filmmakers collection, The age of reason, film by the Dardenne brothers on a journey through a masterful work.
Directors, Alain Marcoen and Luc Jabon, are betting a personal reading of these films.
The Promise of their recent feature film Le gamin au vélo, they give us a lesson in film based on "family" of actors and technicians as well as other unexpected stakeholders.
As the title suggests, moral issues are the t
ematic thread- tick documentary, like the stories that reveal Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne : the temptation of murder possible pardon, of thwarted love shameful to love, the controversial father figure in women's resistance.
- Screenplay: Luc Jabon & Alain Marcoen
- Photography: Alain Marcoen & Remon Fromont
- Sound: Thierry de Halleux
- Image editing: France Duez
- Sound editing: Elise Pascal
- Mixing: Jean-Luc Fichefet
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Digital, DVD
- With: Les frère Dardenne, Emilie Dequenne, Olivier Gourmet, Fabrizio Rongione, Vincianne Despret, Laurent Busine, Marika Piedboeuf, Igor Gabriel, Benoît Dervaux, Amaury Dequenne
- Production: Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Francis Dujardin), Novak Prod (Bernard de Dessus)
- Coproduction: Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, RTBF Avec la participation de Ciné , WIP, La loterie nationale
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